Outdoor Therapeutic Play for Families
Free interactive play sessions for expectant, new and toddler parents and their children.
Play is the key developmental process for all children and is the universal language they use to communicate their needs with their parents from the moment they are born.
Parents who are able to effectively engage with and create safe spaces for children to play are better able to support their child’s emotional health and wellbeing as well as create positive attachment bonds with their child or baby.
Our outdoor sessions focus on sensory and imaginative play which will be creative and fun for everyone in the family.
See below for sessions and booking.

Session dates & booking
Project funder
Action Together
We are delighted this project has been funded by Action Together’s One Oldham Fund Family Hub Grant to deliver Oldham’s Family Hub overall goal to transform children and families’ services in a system-wide model that provides high-quality, holistic, and whole-family support services:
for families from prior to conception, through the child's earliest years, through later childhood, up to the age of 19 (or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities)
in Oldham’s 5 districts
to increase access to services,
to improve connections among services and practitioners, and
to strengthen relationships within families and between them and professionals.
This investment from Oldham Council will support the sector’s resilience to enable VCFSE organisations that are locally rooted and active in Oldham contribute to the delivery of Oldham Council’s plan for Family Hubs.